Saturday, May 14, 2011

Becoming a Blogger...

I know that "blogging" is becoming the cool thing to do these days and I have promised myself and will promise you as well that I'm not attempting to be a "band wagoner"... I've had this blog going for a month or so now, although I haven't told anyone about it... I wanted to make sure that 1. I would continue to update it, and 2. that I feel as though I had something interesting to write about.

As for the title, "Mr. Hutton's Lullaby", though it is not the manliest title in the world, it makes sense to me... It is an adaptation from the song "Mrs. Potter's Lullaby" by The Counting Crows.
Take it or leave it, but if you know me, and you know the song, it will make sense to you too...

Well, in the time that I've been posting, several life changes have come to fruition, and as a result of the outcomes of those changes, I definitely think I will have some things to write about... Mostly my overall life situation, which at the moment includes not having a job, planning travel and contemplating when/where to move away from Amarillo. I'll do my best to explain later... I'm under no impression that people care enough about my personal career situation, but I will be going to some pretty interesting places and seeing some pretty amazing things over the coming months, and I feel it would be selfish to keep them to myself... I will also be doing a lot of traveling in a lot of foreign countries all alone... I think it will make me feel like I've got friends along with me if I update everyone via this blog...

Let me know what you think of what I'm writing about and if you have any suggestions or questions, let me know!

I will update the travel writing as it occurs. Now, however, I will explain the "no job" thing...

Since December 1, 2008, I have been working for Boston Scientific's Cardiac Rhythm Management Division selling pacemakers... On April the 12th, they laid off 300 U.S. employees and for whatever reason, I was one of them... For those who already, know about the loss of my job, I appreciate the condolences and encouragement... However, you all must know that I could not be more happy about the situation. I feel very lucky to have been given a severance package as part of my separation from the company, which will afford me the ability to take some time off before I re-join the workforce... And on that note, I'm not sure what I will do and when... I don't know if I will re-gain employment in the same field, or even sector for that matter... Funny thing is, I'm o.k. with it...

All I can say is, I'm finally following my heart for the first time in my adult life... I'm overjoyed about my journey and hopeful about the things I will see, the people I will meet and the situations I will experience.

I hope to see you all along the way.



Ron said...

Sounds like the Larry we all know and Love. Go for it and have fun. The heart is a good thing to follow.

Cale D. Hawley said...

Sounds as if you are ready to conquer the world. Have you been following Chris Gallubeau's blog (I'm sure I just butchered his name)? If nit it could come in handy on your journey. He is also the author if the Art of Non-Conformity and several other books. Let me know if you need anything brother. Sorry to hear about BoSci but in a way I'm happy about it too based on several conversations you and I have had over the past year. Good luck and Godspeed.

Anonymous said...

Look forward to following the journey!! Amy D

Justin Grimsley said...

You've got friends to share with. Hangin' out with you via Facebook and reading the blog. Keep up the writing.