Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dude Food - Cooking So Easy, A Man Can Do It!

So, now that I'm unemployed and need to watch my ca$h flow a little closer, I've decided to start cooking at home as opposed to eating out 3 meals a day at a cost of about $20-25 per. For someone who is way better at holding a hammer than spinning a spoon, this may prove to be a challenge... Or will it? I've got a few simple, quick and cheap ways to prepare meals at home that are so simple, even a man can do it... Uh, I think! Mooooommmmm?????? (Yes, I put a "$" in place of my "S" above. Thank you Ke$ha. You are an inspiration to us all!)

Oatmeal With Fruit
(replica of McDonald's Fruit and Maple Oatmeal With Brown Sugar)

A quick, healthy and inexpensive breakfast for the dude on the go!

Per Serving Stats:
Prep Time - Less than 5 min.
Calories - 272
Cost - $1.50 (or so) (compared to the $2.15 at McD's)

1 packet of instant oatmeal
1 apple
1 pkg. of raisins
1 pkg. of dehydrated cranberries

1. Slice apple into 8 pieces. Chop one slice of the apple into cubes. The other 7 slices can be stored in the fridge for snacks later in the day when you feel like popping a few Oreos.
2. Prepare instant oatmeal according to mfg. instructions (Quaker Maple and Brown Sugar variety takes about 90 seconds in the microwave)
3. Add apple cubes, 1/8 cup of raisins and 1/8 cup of dehydrated cranberries into oatmeal.
4. Stir thoroughly, let cool to desired temperature.
5. Enjoi!

Try using different flavors of oatmeal and different fruits... It will be even cheaper if you purchase bulk canisters of oatmeal!

I'm pretty sure when my mom sees that I'm cooking at home, let alone posting recipes online, she may have a heart attack...

Let me know if you try this and like it...

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